Billie Richer
Billie is the president, 2nd OWHA rep, Facebook & sponsorship convenor. Pierre Rivard
Pierre is the Quebec’s League Rep & Nickel District Rep. He is also the Skills Development Rep, and indigenous lead. Anna Eckensviller
Anna is the NDHL Rep. Christine Rivard
Christine is our secretary and a rep for our clothing line.Kristalie Hearn
Kristalie is the treasurer, and responsible for accounting. She is also a Tournament convenor and the House League OWHA/NOWHL Convenor. Brad Langford
Brad is the U11 Convenor and skills development lead.Dan McDonald
Dan is the U9 and U18 Convenor. Dave Lalonde
Dave is the OWHA/NOWHL Competitive Rep and part of the complaints committee. Derek Thompson
Derek is the U7 convenor and U7 Jamboree rep. He is also a Skills Development Rep. Jamie Phillips
Jamie is the overall tournament convenor, and NDMHL Convenor. She is also responsible for the TSMHA clothing line, and is part of the complaints committee. Jesse Foley
Jesse is the U11 convenor, equipment convenor and overall tournament convenor.Jon Maga
Jon is the picture lead and U9 OWHA Rep. He is also responsible for the TSMHA website, and U7 Jamboree. Mike Henderson
Mike is the Equipment Convenor and U13 Convenor and skills development lead. Mike Nadeau
Mike is an OWHA Rep convenor, and tournament convenor.Stephanie Foley
Stephanie is the U15 Convenor. She is also on the complaints committee.